Midyear UWO grad uses class assignment to organize children’s book drive

(UW Oshkosh Today)

A lifelong love of reading led Kallena Pluemer to spend her final weeks at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh organizing a book drive.

The Platteville native and senior accounting major grew up in a home full of books and came from six generations of educators. She remembers the book store being her favorite place to shop as a child, and she’s both worked and volunteered at her local library. So when it came time to launch a business project that “moves the needle” for a 400-level class assignment, she knew the direction she wanted to take it.

“I loved to see what a difference it made when children got to read,” said Pluemer, who is one of about 700 UW Oshkosh students earning degrees at the end of the fall semester. “I noticed it was really hard for a lot of them to part with the books when it came time to return them. As wonderful as the library is, I think it makes a huge difference if children have their own book to read.

Read the full story at UW Oshkosh Today here.

(Image credit: UW Oshkosh Today)